Sunday, July 5, 2009

Article: Liven up your entry with a triptych

(originally from Giantprint article 22/09/08)

Liven Up Your Entry With A Triptych

Have you ever considered the dramatic, immediate and confident tone that a triptych can bring to a large wall in your home?

Large walls can greatly benefit from poster-size, photo enlargements and canvases that are to a like scale. Rows of framed 8” X 12” photo frames simply do not make the substantial impact that a major wall in a modern home invites.

In the process of helping clients set a personal theme or mood in the entry of their home, I have often found that a void leaves the lower level looking rather meek unless space is re-directed to vertical spans. One possible way of using this vertical space is to place within it enlargements of interesting nature photographs.

Even more entrancing and vibrant is the large photo divided into three slices, which implicitly invite the viewer to engage with the work by separately appreciating each panel, then re-integrating all three components as a whole.

The essential, satisfying and creative spark comes in having a photo of your favourite deserted beach, or bush path and undergrowth, or sky and cloud shot taken from an airplane window, accurately enlarged using a full, rich colour gamut. Giantprint Pty.Ltd. (yes, I do have an interest in its potential!) offers such services and clients can be assured that only high-end materials and techniques are employed. Indeed, it is possible to choose to have the photographs transferred to a range of different media, such as canvas, fine art paper or matte media.

The notion of displaying three ‘up and down’ photographs, which reveal great depth of field by the use of three panels, is a refreshing approach to design. Just ensure that each section of your triptych hung around 10 to 12 cm from the edge of the next and that the two sections on the sides are equidistant from the sides of the wall you are working on. Such a display still allows for the placement of a cantilevered storage unit below, which does not detract from the triptych or vice versa.

So this technique will enrich and display your appreciation of nature shots while the presentation emphasises fresh spatial relationships. I would suggest, from experience, that triptych treatment is not suitable for photographs which include human forms.

If you want to be able to easily refresh the content of your display, for instance to change your prints based on the season, I would suggest that you consider using Elegant Poster Hangers.

The poster hangers are made of high-quality brushed aluminium, and consist of a horizontal rod designed to hold the top part of the print, and another rod attached to the bottom of the print, which acts as a weight preventing the poster from curling. The profile of the poster hanger is very slim. They can be quickly mounted to a wall using just a single nail. Changing prints requires minimal effort. Poster hangers offer an attractive display option with the advantage of not detracting from the impact of your triptych.

Good luck!

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