Monday, August 24, 2009

Flash For Thoughts

A semi-pro photographer friend of ours is looking for a somewhat powerful flash unit to go with his Canon EOS 5D mark I. It needs to have ETTL II metering and full-featured wireless capabilities (including slave mode).

We tracked down a couple of articles/sites with some info to help him, and thought we'd share these with you.

The first unit we suggested he consider is the Canon Speedlite 580EX II. You can check out the specs here.

The other we suggested was the Metz Mecablitz 58 AF-1 Digital Flash. You can check out the specs here.

Fortunately, we tracked down a useful comparison between the two here.

These are both fairly bulky and pricey units, but they provide the power, robustness and features sought by many pros and semi-pros. You need to always examine your own circumstances, because often a lighter, less-expensive unit will suffice.

We'll let you know which way he went.


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