Thursday, November 4, 2010

Invisibility Suit That Bit Closer

Guys, I don't care what anyone says - scientists are on a bit of a roll. The sort of technology that's coming out is just incredible. I mean, just look up the math/physics used to calculate "energy levels" in that content-aware stuff offered in Photoshop and other editing apps !

Another example is a recent advance in Scotland in the field of, err......invisibleness (ha ha ha - eat your heart out Barry Dawson).

No, seriously. Scientists have developed a meterial called "Metaflex" that basically bends light in a very camouflagy kind of way. Please see the web page below:

You may want to compare it to the way the old masters do it (Warning: reference to alcohol promotion):

(we do NOT endorse alcohol, just enjoy the artistic expression and please don't write in about it;-))

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