Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Did You Know...

There are countless hours of enjoyment and stimulation to be had by making the most of the depth and breadth of attention given to photographs by (yes, I know, we have indeed mentioned them before).

Photo replay may even tempt you to upload your own best shot for the week or holiday. One recent photo that jogged my memory did so for a very good reason: it was taken by a US exchange student to Australia and was a great shot of Loch Ard Gorge on the Great Ocean Road!

Anyway, the photographs are organized in weeks and all you need to do is keep track of which week/s you have checked over so as not to miss some startling shots. There is humour in deliberate distortions, glamour in deliberate blurs and social comment in compositions. It's a great way to take time out, as we should, from deskwork: no more than twenty minutes without a walk, guys! Then just ease back in with a look at some photographs.

Currently the photographs from the week of August 28 that are startling and that I have a very high regard for are numbers, 2, 3, and 7 of 13. From the week of August 23 the highlights for me were numbers 1,2, and 12.

Go ahead! Get distracted! Discuss your finds with friends or alert us all online here.

Of course we can't reproduce them, but we can sure let you know what a gem we've found in Photo replay at

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