Sunday, August 30, 2009

Show Off Your Photos Here (free backlink included)

Do you have an interesting or unusual photo that you would like to share with us? Please send us an email with your photo (10Mb or less) or a link pointing to it. You must provide your full name, company/organization name (if applicable), country of residency, and a short description of your photo not exceeding 50 words.

If we like your photo, we will publish it on the blog, together with your description and a free backlink to your site!

Conditions: We can publish the photo directly on this blog providing that it is 400Kb or under in size, otherwise we will only provide the backlink to your photo. You confirm that you are the legal copyright owner of the image supplied, and that you are legally authorized to submit any provided links. We will not post images or links of sites that are: of a pornographic nature, promoting hatred etc. Any links that are published must be of sites that closely relate to art, photography or photographic printing. The decision to publish, not publish or remove any images or links posted on this blog rests wholly with the administrators of this blog.

Send your requests to: gprnt_temp [at] hotmail dot com


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