Thursday, September 10, 2009

What's In A Name

We are often asked what the difference is between the various types of gloss-based papers, namely: satin, pearl and glossy/high-gloss/gloss papers.

In general, the differences can be summed up as follows:

'satin' = a subtle (or the most subtle) level of gloss.

'perl' = a mid-range gloss.

'glossy' or 'high gloss' or simply 'gloss' = a high level of gloss.

Of course, these are subjective descriptions that should be used as a rough guide to the level of gloss within a specific brand's range of papers. Remember, some brands use really wierd names to describe their paper.


1 comment:

  1. To clarify (or confuse) further, you can think of 'satin' or 'pearl' as sub-categories of semi-gloss paper.

